Project documentation
Maximum control and accessibility
Easily distributing documents and updates to project participants is crucial for project success. Documentation must be accurate and constantly updated to keep current with the project.
Proper documentation helps streamline processes, reduces misunderstandings and rework, saves time and ensure compliance. Therefore, it is essential to have a system in place that allows for easy distribution of documents and updates to project participants. This can be achieved by using a documentation portal, adding tags, and indexing it with search.
Project documentation with document portals
Effective project management relies on quality documentation. Readin's SharePoint plugin streamlines document management within SharePoint, allowing seamless distribution through the Readin documentation portal. Customized project sites and roles provide precise user access control. Crucially, stakeholders can effortlessly access relevant documentation on various devices.
- Requirement Specification
- Design Document
- Project Plans and reports
- Change Management Document
- Drawings
Better version control
Readin document portal promote better version control and organization of project documentation. Access to older versions of documents is important for maintaining compliance, managing risk, promoting collaboration, ensuring accuracy, and providing transparency in document management.
Unique workspaces
By organizing documents into separate workspaces, users can easily access relevant documents and information related to each project or topic, improving efficiency and understanding. Unique workspaces provide an additional layer of security by limiting access to information to only those who need it.
Key features
SharePoint plugin
Publish your documents directly from SharePoint. Readin SharePoint integration lets you publish your documents to the web with a single click.
Access right management
Define specific access rules and ensure users could only see what they were supposed to.
Create user-specific document portals that present content most relevant to the user based on roles.
Document metadata for indexing, filtering, organizing and automation.
Versions and variants
Quick access to older versions of a document. Readin revision feature keeps track of all historical versions and variants of a document. Perfect when you need to read an older version of a document.
Readin Analytics captures users’ behavior to provide insights. The data is presented in an easy to use dashboard for data-driven decision making.
Notice of change
Update your readers of any changes to your documents with Readin’s notifications feature. Users and groups can subscribe to updates on specific documents of their choice.
Read confirmation
Read confirmation enables users to acknowledge document reading and aiding managers in compliance tracking.
Readin automatically adapts its interface and your content to the size of the device. Whether it’s a desktop, a tablet or a smartphone, the user reading experience is optimized.